The big 2 – 5…..

Phew! A quarter of a century gone by! It’s mind-boggling it has been so long. I came into this world kicking and screaming….25 years hence, I’m still doing the same. Speaking of kicking, I ushered in the start of the next quarter of the not-yet-so fabulous life of me by bringing people together. People from near and far came together for one cause and the cause was me. People put aside their personal differences to unite, and for a very noble cause. The noble cause was to remind me that life is harsh and it will continue to kick you in the rear every now and then to state supremacy.

Apparently all the guys in my hostel have sort of Vendetta against me. For what purpose, I don’t know? I don’t remember stepping on anyone’s toes….I’m not even one of the top rankers in class…hell!!! But then, guys I know, faces I’ve only seen, faces I have no clue and suspect that they were there only because someone was getting blessed…all had come together. At the stroke of midnight, I was uplifted (quite literally) and beaten to a pulp. This is one of the times that I did not mind being the chubby fat guy. My ‘assets’ were able to bear the brunt of the onslaught of guys frustrated due to hostel food, impending exams, lack of a relation ship, lack of alcohol and all sorts of other aggravated tendencies, were quite literally laying the smack on my rear. But thanks to the well-fed child that I am, one of the tae kwondo champs left with a sore foot. Muhahaha !!! I am the Kung-Fu Panda whose legend was the stuff of legends…..enough talking! Let’s fight!!!!

PS: There is a video recording of the entire ordeal… I shall have vengeance!!! Long live the Vendetta !!!

The beatings apart, this whole ordeal of turning 25 has me in a rush of mixed emotions. While it does mark a significant milestone in one’s life, 25 so far has seemed to be as un-momentous an occasion as the other milestones like 13, 18, and 21….bit of a snooze-fest. But here’s the part I’m kind of annoyed with...if someone asked me, what I want to do on such a day, I haven’t the slightest clue in the world. And looking back on the past 25 years, there have been tons and tons of great moments, but the ‘optimist’ in me only remembers the terrible things that have come to pass. If someone were to ask me the one defining moment of the last 25 years… I have no defining moment! Tons of awesome and legendary moments….but no defining moment. But then again history has shown that for most of the recognized figures in the world, their defining moment comes post 25….so keeping history in mind…. I have a sneaking suspicion the next 25 years are going to be legen….wait for it…..


Kavita said…
Hey, have a great day.
Vishnu said…
HHHHHAPPY birthday :)
Not rare to get kicked in rear on this day
Enjoy ur quarter and the other "quarter" or more.... hic... :)
Have a great day buddy...